New continental university sport association established

New continental university sport association established
Representatives of 16 countries present at the meeting held on June 11 in Blumenau, Brazil, established a new continental university sport association - Organización Deportiva Universitaria Panamericana (ODUPA). This organisation will now serve as the Continental University Sport Association of America. Present at the meeting were also the presidents of two regional university sport associations, Mr José Balsinde Herrera (ODUCC) and Mr Julio Jakob (COSUD).

After having agreed to constitute ODUPA, and worked on the final version of the statutes, the representatives of the NUSF of America elected their board. Mr Julio Jakob (URU) was elected President.

Dr. Julio Cesar Maglione, Esc. Julio Jakob, Prof. Ernesto Irureta, Dr. Horacio Servetti 

EUSA was represented on the meeting by its President, Mr. Alberto Gualtieri. The leaders of FISU (represented by Mr George E. Killian, the President), NUSAs and Continental University Sports Organisations were attended the meeting.

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