National University Championships in Portugal

National University Championships in Portugal

University Sports Association of Portugal (FADU) and the University of Beira Interior Student’s Union (AAUBI) organized the biggest University Sports event in Portugal – the Portuguese University Championship Finals (CNUs) in team sports. The event held between the cities of Covilhã, Fundão and Belmonte, had more than 2200 participants, from 15 to 25th of April 2012.


With 117 teams, representing 31 different clubs, and after 210 games, the National University Champions are known. 

Handball champions (men)


In the first week, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria was the women’s Champion Handball. In men’s, the winner was, for the fifth time in a row, the University of Minho Students Union, team that won the bronze medal at the European Universities Games in 2012. 

Basketball Champions Women


Basketball saw the University of Aveiro Students Union becoming the female champion, team that also took part on EUSA Games last year. The male gold medal was assigned to University of Coimbra Student Union.

Men's Football Champions


In football, the champion in the men’s competition was the University of Minho beating Polytechnic Institute of Leiria in the final; while in the women’s competition the University of Porto team won the gold medal.

Women's Futsal finals


It was a great time for University of Minho that won both Futsal competitions. The male team, 2nd place in EUSA Games 2012, won the national title for the 4th time in a row, and the female team for the 1st time since 2005.

From women's volleyball matches


University of Minho Student’s Union also won the female Volleyball championship after three years. Same goes for the Polytechnic Institute of Porto male team, also winning after 3 years in abstinence.

Men's Rugby Finals


Coimbra Student’s Union claimed both titles in Rugby 7s, female and male competition. University of Coimbra also won the Roller Hockey male championship, beating the University of Porto after extra time.


The competition in Hockey was also organised, with Coimbra Student Union winning the gold.

Media work done by the students

This event had some interesting numbers. About 180 volunteers worked in various areas of the event, mostly students from Secondary Schools and University of Beira Interior. Thousands attended the games in and out of sports venues. In addition to the hundreds of people present in the stands, so many others accompanying live reports on the official Facebook page. This reports generated 4500 views per day of traffic on the CNUs page. The 9 finals broadcast live streaming had over 7,800 views. The Futsal finals, male and female, where those that captured most of the public's attention, with 1400 views each.

Event Banner


The winning teams are now getting ready for their participation in the 2013 editions of the European Universities Championships.


More info and photos about the national in team events at

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