National championships in Azerbaijan

National championships in Azerbaijan
In 2012, the Freewill Student Sport Society of Azerbaijan "Genjlik", held the annual national students competitions between the beginning of March until the end of May.
The competitions were held for both male and female students in 12 sports: athletics, badminton, basketball, chess, draught, football, handball, judo, swimming, table tennis, volleyball, wrestling (free and Greco Roman style).

Female volleyball competitions
Over 3,000 students annually take part in competitions held by Genjlik. These the highest student national competitions in Azerbaijan, held in the capital and largest city of Azerbaijan - Baku.

Track & Field competitions
Apart from students and their friends, the ceremonies were also attended by special guests, from the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Azerbaijan, from the Ministry of Education, Vice-President of Olympic Committee of Azerbaijan, President of the Freewill Student Sport Society Genjlik, President of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederations and Rectors of the universities.
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