Mrs Odell Awarded

Mrs Odell Awarded
Alison Odell, BUSA Life Vice-President, FISU Assessor and former EUSA Executive Committee Member (1999-2005), has been awarded a CBE (Commander of the British Empire) in the Queen's Birthday Honours List in recognition for her services to sport.

Mrs Alison OdellAs FISU Executive Committee member she has been working in sport within Higher Education for 30 years, in which time she has held distinguished positions within a number if significant sporting bodies, both within Great Britain and on an international stage.

As Chair of BUSA from 1996 to 2000 Odell led the Association through a time of significant change, including radical developments within the competition programme which resulted in increased student participation across Great Britain. She is still closely involved in BUSA sport in her role as Chair of the BUSA Badminton Technical Committee.

As Chair of the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) Mrs. Odell has worked closely with key stakeholders to ensure that students can combine performance sport with an education, the benefits which are evident in her day to day role as Director of Sport for the University of Manchester.

Mrs Odell's commitment to student sport extends onto the international stage having held posts within EUSA and FISU. Odell is currently Vice-Chair of the Commission for University Sports Study (CESU) within FISU and has been a FISU Assessor since 1999.

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