Mr Gualtieri receives honorary degree

Mr Gualtieri receives honorary degree

On the occasion of the EC meeting in Vilnius (LIT), EUSA President Mr Alberto Gualtieri was conferred by the Rector of the Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education prof. dr. Albertas Skurvydas the honorary degree Doctor Honoris Causa on Saturday, March 20, 2010.

The Rector prof. dr. Skurvydas presented the decision, taken by the Senate of the Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education on March 9, 2010, to confer the Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa to Mr Gualtieri for the development of student sport and propagating the ideas of sport education as well as for the outstanding contribution in the field of sport science, and congratulated him.


Dr Skurvydas congratulating Mr Gualtieri

Mr Gualtieri thanked the Rector prof. dr. Skurvydas for the great honour expressed by this title and gesture, committing himself to continue his work in promoting university sport in Europe and in the rest of the world.


Speech by Mr Gualtieri 

The official conferrement ceremony will be held in May 2011 in Vilnius.

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