Mourning Leonardo Coiana

Mourning Leonardo Coiana

We regret to report the death of Mr Leonardo Coiana, the President of the Italian University Sport Centre (CUSI) and long-term active contributor in the field of university sport on national, European and international level. He passed away on Feruary 11, following a long illness.


Mr Coiana was born in 1937 in Cagliari, Italy, and was an established doctor, specialised in sports medicine. He was a member of UNESCO’s Sport and Culture Commission and a member of the Anti-Doping Committee of the Italian Ministry of Health. He also served on the Italian Council of Sports Medicine and headed the medical staff of the Italian Team at the Olympics six times.

Mr Coiana at the 26th Winter Universiade 2013 in Trentino

He was very involved in university sport. Not only was he a long-term President of CUSI; he also served in the technical commission of the International University Sport Federation (FISU) for golf (1991-2011) and currently chaired the FISU Sports Regulations Committee (CRS) since his appointment in 2011. He also headed the Italian delegation at more than 40 Universiades and was a delegate to the General Assemblies of EUSA and FISU several times.


EUSA mourns the loss of Mr Coiana and our deepest condolences go to the family and close ones, as well as to the colleagues in CUSI. May he rest in peace.

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