Mid-term evaluation training for ESC Volunteers 2024

Mid-term evaluation training for ESC Volunteers 2024

To keep the traditional program running, the Slovenian National Agency MOVIT, organized a four-day European Solidarity Corps midterm evaluation training from April 20-23 in Terme Čatež in east of Slovenia.

The midterm training has the aim to gather the European Solidarity Volunteers that are doing their long-term ESC service and are on the journey already more than 6 months.Among the diverse group of volunteers attending the mid-term training, EUSA ESC volunteers Heloise, Emanuele and Marta, were present. 

During the mid-term evaluation, the volunteers had an opportunity to reflect on their experience, to share their daily life as volunteers as well as the different challenges that they met to help each other through different tips. They also had a chance to learn about their own projects and got inspired with new ideas, as well as  learned about others methods and project implementations.

The first day was kicked off with different ice breakers, followed by a co-createtion of the schedule depending on the different needs of the volunteers. The day finished by an evening next to the river Sava around a campfire.

The second day started with a walk and talk hike where, which served as the occasion to share with different volunteers the different aspects of the volunteer experience and to get to know the process of each individual, sharing diverse situations and getting to know the proces of the European Solidarity journey from different points of view.  In the afternoon, the volunteers had the occasion to learn how to accentuate this experience through the certification of the Youth Pass, getting to know the document in details in order to make the process of its fulfilment easier. 

The third day started with a workshop around the emotions, how to manage it and to communicate those with the others. Then, the group was split in two parts, having the choice between a sport activity or learning more about the different Erasmus+ programs and how to develop some personal projects. The afternoon started with an exploration of the complex with its different parts, concluding with the presentation of the different opportunities to stay in Slovenia and the different places and ways to continue to explore the country.

The last day was focused on the future and what after the volunteering experience, how to highlight this experience, how to use it, in which field to focus on it and what will be the next steps. After that it was the time of the evaluation and farewell with the volunteers and facilitators. 

European Solidarity Corps (ESC; former European Voluntary Service - EVS) opportunities with EUSA are possible because of the support from the European Union and Movit, the National Agency in Slovenia. EUSA Institute is an accredited organization, with the European Solidarity Corps quality label.

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