Memorandum of Understanding between EUSA and BEC

Memorandum of Understanding between EUSA and BEC

On April 18, 2015 European University Sports Association (EUSA) and Badminton Europe Confederation (BEC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding as the first step to closer cooperation between both organisations.

The signature ceremony was held in Paris, France on the occasion of the 48th Annual Delegates' Meeting and BEC Gala. On behalf of EUSA, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General and Mr Bastian Kruse, EUSA Badminton Technical Delegate attended the event.

Badminton Europe Assembly

On the Delegates' Meeting, the representatives of the National Badminton Federations from 52 BEC member countries approved the annual reports and strategic plan for 2015, as well as they agreed on some statutory modifications. At the end of the meeting, Mr Gregory Verpoorten, BEC President invited EUSA Secretary General to address the participants. Mr Pecovnik thanked for the invitation and after presented the structure and activities of EUSA, focusing on badminton competitions organised for students.

EUSA Presentation by Mr Pecovnik

BEC and EUSA representatives discussed the details of the Memorandum of Understanding and its implementation on a working meeting held after the Delegates' Meeting.

Badminton Europe Gala

The main objectives of the Memorandum between BEC and EUSA are to strengthen general cooperation and partnership between the two organisations; to work together in activities and projects promoting university sport in Europe, with a special focus on Badminton competitions for students and to promote and contribute to the development of competitions in Badminton among students (such as European Universities Games, Championships or other EUSA Badminton Competitions).

Signing of the Memorandum

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed during BEC Gala, held on April 18, 2015 evening. During the Gala, BEC presented several Badminton Player Awards, recognising the achievements and the contribution to European Badminton by engaging the players in all categories of the sport. The next BEC Delegates' Meeting will be held next year in Slovenia.

EUSA and BEC Secretaries General

More info on BEC can be found on their website:

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