Member News: Switzerland

Member News: Switzerland
The Swiss University Sport Federation (SUSF) is actually mainly involved in three fields. On the European level it gives support to the University Sport of Geneva in the preparation of the EUC Badminton 2009. This project in Geneva is leaded by Antonio Latella and Markos Michaelides. SUSF-President Andreas Csonka and Managing Director Leonz Eder are involved in the evaluation for a possible Swiss candidature for the Winteruniversiade 2017.  And as the State of Switzerland will adapt the federal law regarding Sport, all the University Sports Directors are currently working on a proposal to officially fix the sport at the universities in this new law, which is not the case in the old law. Finally a group of more than fifty donators of the SUSF were invited to visit the new "Home of FIFA" in Zürich, where they met also with FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter
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