Meeting with EUSA Auditors

Meeting with EUSA Auditors

On January 14, 2011 the EUSA Auditors Mr Jakub Kosowski and Mr Zrinko Čustonja visited Ljubljana, Slovenia for a working meeting with Mr Leonz Eder, Treasurer a.i. and Mr Matjaž Pečovnik, Secretary General. The meeting was held at the EUSA Office.

EUSA Auditors: Mr Custonja and Mr Kosowski


Mr Kosowski and Mr Čustonja checked the financial operations of EUSA for 2009 and 2010. The financial operations were presented in all details, conducted transparently and in full accordance with the existing regulations. We are much satisfied with the financial development during the reviewed years said the Auditors.

Mr Pečovnik and Mr Eder also presented the Auditors the recently adopted Financial Regulations. After, a discussion was held on the
2011 Provisional Budget construction.


EUSA Treasurer a.i. Mr Leonz Eder and EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik

The Annual Accounts and the Audit Report will be presented to the General Assembly to be held in Eilat, Israel between March 3 and 6, 2011.

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