Meeting of Slovenian rectors

Meeting of Slovenian rectors
Slovenian University Sports Association (SUSA) organised a meeting with rectors of universities in Slovenia on Thursday, March 2nd. All three rectors attended the meeting where the bid for Winter Universiade Maribor 2011 was presented. Ivan Rozman, rector of the University of Maribor, Andreja Kocijancic, rector of the University of Ljubljana, Lucija Cok, rector of the University of Primorska met with SUSA representatives Otmar Kugovnik, president of SUSA, Bozidar Pucnik, vice-president of SUSA, and Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General of SUSA, together with Bodgan Cepic, vice-mayor of the City of Maribor. They discussed Slovenian candidature for the Winter Universiade 2011, and the effects the universiade would bring to Slovenia. The rectors embraced the idea, and offered their support to run for the event.

SUSA Chairman with Slovenian rectors

SUSA also presented the progress of the preparation for the 16th World University Championship which will take place in July this year in Maribor, where 26 countries already submitted their applications. This represents a new record in the history of World University Championships. The president of the Honorary Board Ivan Rozman took the opportunity and invited his colleagues in the championships' Honorary Board.

FISU Rector's Conference was also discussed at the meeting, and it was decided that Slovenia is to participate at the conference.

The rectors also signed a document confirming the role of SUSA as the national umbrella university association in Slovenia, which is the only one authorised to organise and/or to participate at National, European, and World University Championships and Universiades.

After the meeting, everybody attended the opening of the Winter student sport festival in Maribor with national university alpine skiing and boarding championship, and alpine championship for universities employees.
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