Meeting in Ireland

Meeting in Ireland
On March 16 and 17, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General, visited Dublin, Ireland, where he met representatives of University of Dublin, CUSAI, and BUSA Tennis representatives. The following topics were discussed: European Universities Tennis League, EUC Tennis - Dublin 2008, EUSA and CUSAI.

Mr Pecovnik met with Mr Jamie Pilkington, University of Dublin, CUSAI Tennis Responsible; Mr Carl Baldwin, BUSA Tennis Representative, ATP, ITF,WTA referee; Mr Evan Mc Ginn, BUSA Tennis Representative, University of Stirling, Scotland; and Mr Breifne Earley, CUSAI Representative.

Pecovnik in Dublin

European Universities Tennis League
Pilkington, Baldwin and Mc Ginn presented the idea of forming the European Universities Tennis League, which would consist of 16 universities teams and would be organised like in USA Colleagues, with more matches throughout the year. League would be organised with the support of EUSA and ETF (the draft was presented in hard copy). Pecovnik presented the standpoint of EUSA, that all the bids and proposals for new EUSA events must be supported by the respective NUSA first and then sent to the EUSA Executive Committee for approval.
It was agreed that the submitters will prepare the project on writing to be presented on the next EUSA EC meeting.

EUC Tennis – Dublin 2008
Pecovnik presented the EUSA EC standpoint on the proposed EUC Tennis dates in July 2008. After checking the details on the organisation, inspection visit of the sports and accommodation facilities, the representatives of CUSAI and DCU agreed to move the dates to December 2007 as proposed by the EUSA Executive Committee. The new proposed dates are December 9-13, 2008. Format of the event would be 16 men and 16 women teams, 5 competition days. Pecovnik also presented all the conditions of organisation of an EUC.

Earley reported on the recent changes in the CUSAI structure and the readiness of the new organisation to be more and more involved in the EUSA events. After discussing the future projects of EUSA, it was announced that CUSAI will (beside organisation of EUC Tennis 2008), consider also the organisation of the EUC Badminton or Rugby 7s in 2008. CUSAI will also send more teams to the EUC 2007 then in previous years. 

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