EUSA Insider:

Tautvydas & Dovydas Rimkus

Age: 23                 
Place of Birth/Nationality: Silute, Lithuania / Lithuanian
University: Vilnius University
Sport: 3x3 Basketball

Published 06 July 2024

1. How did you get involved in 3x3 Basketball?

We both were in primary school, in first grade, and our friend started to attend basketball practices. A week after, he offered us to try and join the basketball practices. We came to first training session and we were a bit afraid, but we tried it, we obviously liked it and we are still playing this sport.

2. Did you already take part in EUSA events before or is it your first time?

T: Yes, I was competing in EUSA European Universities Games back in the 2022 in Poland, Lodz.

D: Actually no, I have not had the chance to take part in any EUSA event before, this will be the first time.

3. Otherwise did you compete in other national and international sports events? Which ones?

Yes, we competed as a 5x5 team in Barcelona, and Milan, as well as 3x3 baskeball competition during the SELL Games. 

4. What are you looking forward to experiencing or achieving at the European Universities Games 2024?

T: I am looking forward to experiencing the atmosphere and spirit of sportsmanship at the European Universities Games 2024. It will be an incredible opportunity to meet and compete against talented students from across Europe. Additionally, I hope to achieve personal bests in my sport, contributing to my team's success and making unforgettable memories along the way.

D: I am firstly looking for my team to achieve the first place. Looking forward to experience the feeling of playing nice games with a lot of emotions and in good atmosphere. I think playing in this tournament will be very interesting, because there will be best players across the universities of Europe. 

5.How do you think competing in sports events like EUG 2024 can help your development as an athlete in 3x3 Basketball?

T: First of all, when you compete at events like these you get experience, and experience is one of the most important athlete’s attributes. The saying ice in his veins comes exactly from that. The more experience you get the better athlete you will be.

D: I think competing in events like this is really helpful for getting experience, because there will be good players, and the atmosphere I think will be crazy. It is really helpfull for the upcoming season, because one way or another you need to stay in shape to play at high level, so it will be easier to start the new season from August.

6.Why would you recommend participation in the Games to other student athletes?

T: Because you get to represent your country’s university, of course get better as an athlete, and you also get the chance to travel.

D: First of all because you travel and see more of the countries around the world, then you improve as a player, and third thing would be that in some way you represent your country and university which is very important.

7. What are you most excited for when it comes to your participation in the European Universities Games 2024?

T: „If I speak I‘m in big trouble.“ - José Mourinho :) 

D: I am the most excited for the quality time that we will spend being there, and of course I am very excited for lifting the trophy up, but we‘ll see, can‘t be ahead of the time. :) 

8. What would be your final message to other student athletes like you?

We wish to them to have a lot of fun and most importanty to play safely and without injuries.