EUSA Futsal 2017 LogoEUSA Insider:

Rafael Rego Abdul


Age:                   22

Place of Birth:  Viseu, Portugal

University:        University of Beira Interior (POR)

 Published: 5 December 2017 

EUSA Futsal 2017 Rafael Rego Abdul Award

Briefly describe how and why did you get involved in Futsal?

My involvement in sport was mainly due to my parents and family, I started practicing sport at an early age, starting swimming and around 7 years I passed over to futsal. Since then I have never dropped it!

"I do not have enough words to describe 

the experience, it was a fantastic time with my mates"


What do you study? How do you balance your study, trainings and competitions?

I study Optometry. Its never easy to combine my training and competitions with studies because of training every day, sometimes even twice a day. I try my best to fit the times of my classes with the training, which is not It is always possible, and therefore I count on the understanding of my teachers my club. I must also say I count on my classmates, lending notes etc.

EUSA Futsal 2017 Rafael Rego Abdul Single

Tell us about your experience of the European Universities Championships 2017. Is this your first time at an EUSA event?

Yes, it was the first time I was in the EUSA event and I do not have enough words to describe the experience, it was a fantastic time with my mates, from it I feel we have created a family. The way in which  we were welcomed and treated during the competition was exceptional, from arrival to departure. It was an experience I will never forget and without a doubt made a mark on my life!

"Become a better person, better athlete,

and a better student with the experiences

that you have as a university athlete."


In 2018 the European Universities Games 2018 will take place in Coimbra, Portugal, do you hope to be there? Why do you think university sport events are important?

I sure hope to be part of this competition, with it being in my country, and after the experience of EUC2017 I really want to represent my university and Portugal. I know my team, my colleagues, and AAUBI (Academic Association of the University of Beira Interior) are all focused on being there.

EUSA Futsal 2017 Rafael Rego Abdul National Award

 This is your chance! What is your message to European students like yourself?

Do your course, study a lot, but never let this get in the way of the experience of life! Become a better person, better athlete, and a better student with the experiences that you have as a university athlete. 


EUSA would like to congtratulate Rafael on winning the Men's competition with his team, as well as winning the Best Goalkeeper himself! We hope we can watch you againat the European Universities Games Coimbra 2018!


Find out more about Coimbra 2018.