EUSA Insider:

Miguel Evangelio

Age:                   23
Place of Birth:  La Rioja, Spain
University:        Camilo José Cela University (ESP)
Sport:                Golf                                                                                                   Published 14 May 2019

How and why did you get involved in Golf?
I have been playing golf since I was four years old. The reason for playing golf is my older brother, who started playing before me. Thanks to his support, I learnt how to play golf from an early age.

What do you study, and how do you balance your study, training and competition?
I am studying a Sports Science degree at Camilo Jose Cela University which is located in Madrid, Spain. I am very lucky because I have great support from my university and I am able to combine my studies and my sports career as a result of having a development schedule which helps me to achieve my goals. During these years, I have learnt to organise myself to succeed in my studies as well as in my golf tournaments.

Miguel Evangelio Spanish golfer 1

Tell us about your experiences at the European Universities Championships 2017. Was it your first time at a EUSA event, and what did you enjoy the most?
The European Universities Championship of 2017 was a very special tournament because it was my first one. I think that the best thing about this tournament is the atmosphere between the players. I made incredible new friends from different countries in Europe. I really recommend anyone who can play in these types of competitions to do it because, in my opinion, it is an unforgettable experience.

“I made incredible new friends from different countries in Europe.”

Why do you think taking part in university sport is important?
Because it is very helpful and necessary for your development as a person. You learn how to organise yourself and I believe that you gain important knowledge for your future.

In 2019 the European Universities Golf Championships will take place in Antequera, Spain. Do you hope to be there, and if so, how have your preparations been, and what do you hope to achieve?
I am very disappointed because I am not going to play as a result of having schedule problems, but I hope to play in another championship in the future.

Miguel Evangelio Spanish Golfer 2

What is your favourite university sports moment?
I have two favourite university sports moments. The first one was when I finished second in the European Championship in 2017 and the second one was when I finally won the title in the Spanish University Championship in 2018. 

“I really recommend anyone who can play in these types of competitions to do it because, in my opinion, it is an unforgettable experience.”

What is your message to European student-athletes like yourself?
My message to all student-athletes is that they should work hard to achieve their dreams. Obviously it is not going to be easy, but the reward will be very valuable. To conclude, I suggest enjoying every moment and every experience because it is something that you will remember forever.

EUSA would like to congratulate Miguel for his success at the 2017 Championships and we wish him all the best in the future!