EUSA Insider:

Martina Krajpl

Age: 24                  
Place of Birth/Nationality: Knin/Croatia
University: University of Zagreb
Sport: Handball

Published 26 June 2024

1. How did you get involved in Handball?

I started playing handball at the age of 6 when my older sister started training and one day decided to take me with her. Since I was very young, the coach told my parents that I should stay and train for fun, emphasizing the importance of spending childish energy somewhere and said that it would benefit me later. And he was right. The moment I enrolled in high school at the age of 15, left my family and moved to a new city because of handball, I realized that handball would be my way of life, something I certainly couldn’t imagine myself without.

2. Did you already take part in EUSA events before or is it your first time?

I participated in the European University Games in Lodz in 2022, where my team and I won second place. Also, I participated in the European University Handball Championship 2023 in Podgorica, where we won third place, and I was named the top scorer of the championship.

3. Otherwise did you compete in other national and international sports events? Which ones?

I compete only at the national level in handball. I’ve experienced international sports events only with University.

4.What are you looking forward to experiencing at the European Universities Games 2024?

I think every athlete lies if they say they don’t expect gold, no matter what they are competing in and considering we’ve won second and third place, it would be wonderful to win first place as well. What I want most for us is to give our best effort, and I believe that with that, the results we deserve will come. But aside from the competition, what I expect and I am very excited about is experiencing that beautiful atmosphere and making new acquaintances with students all over Europe.

5. How do you think competing in sports events like EUG 2024 can help your development as an athlete and in personal life?

Well, I think it can certainly help me gain new experiences, both in handball and socially, since these are competitions at the European level. From each competition, I can learn something new and take away what is good and what can help me to improve my skills and be even better.

6. Why would you recommend participation in the Games to other student athletes?

It is very nice to know that the entire organization is dedicated to us, student-athletes. It is wonderful to be a part of such a large organization. I want everyone to experience the atmosphere of a EUSA competitions, the wonderful feeling of being with all these people who is there with one goal – be the best and have an amazing time. Of course, there is also competing on higher level which can help you upgrade your skills in the sport you play. 

7. What are you most excited for when it comes to your participation in the European Universities Games 2024?

As I’ve already mentioned, I’m really looking forward to the atmosphere awaiting us at the competition, spending time with my team, meeting new people, gaining new experiences and creating beautiful memories. I’m also excited about exploring the city and its culture. Generally, I’m excited for everything!

8. What would be your final message to other student athletes like you?

Use your time being a student to participate in events like EUSA, to play the sports you love, to hang out with many students and to create new memories. I’m sure it can only bring you happiness and satisfaction.