EUSA Insider:

Ines Ramos

Age: 22                 
Place of Birth/Nationality: Portugese/Portugal
University: University of Aveiro
Sport: Basketball

Published 02 July 2024

1. How did you get involved in basketball?

I play basketball since I was 9 years old, which means I've dedicated 13 years to the sport, always in the same club. My uncle, who was a coach at the club back then, invited me to try basketball. It quickly became something I loved, not only because I made many friends but also because I fell in love with the game itself. Basketball has always been a significant part of my life, serving as both a hobby and a way to escape and relax.

 As I progressed, the game became more professional, bringing with it increased pressure. Although the sheer fun of playing has diminished somewhat, there are still moments that remind me why I started and why I am driven to excel at the highest level. My primary goal when I began competing at a higher level was to help elevate my beloved club to the premier league in Portugal – a goal we achieved, and one that fills me with immense pride.

 In my younger years, I didn't envision a professional career. Despite standing out on my teams, it took time for me to make the "final leap." Last year, I had the honour of representing the national university team. However, despite attending several training sessions with the national team during my development, I never had the opportunity to compete in a European championship during that period and this demotivated me a little, making me think that I would never reach a professional level.

2. Did you already take part in EUSA events before or is it your first time?

Yes, I have participated in another EUSA European Universities Games in Poland, two years ago. It was an unforgettable experience, and that's why I am so excited for this upcoming event in Hungary. It was my first EUSA event, and for many of my teammates as well, and while our final ranking was somewhat below expectations (5th place out of 7 teams), I made many friendships. I found it particularly heartwarming that other Portuguese teams came to support us – truly embodying the spirit of university sports.

3. Otherwise did you compete in other national and international sports events? Which ones?

Yes, I have participated in many competitions, mainly at the national level. The most recent international competition was the World University Games, last year, in China. Representing Portugal in that event was an unforgettable experience. It was, of course, a completely different reality from EUSA events, with much higher demands, but we also reaped significant benefits. Although we didn't achieve our desired ranking, I feel that we emerged from the competition much improved and greatly evolved. Due to my participation in the World University Games, I was unable to attend the EUSA European Championship in Portugal last year. However, representing my country was an honour.

On the national level, my club reached the playoffs this year, making it to the semifinals in Portugal's top basketball league. This championship is much longer than international competitions, making it more exhausting but also highly rewarding.

Also on the national level, but representing my university, we competed in the National University Championships, which are relatively more relaxed. We are five-time national university champions, which demonstrates the consistency of our university team. This competition lasts one week and, while a bit tiring, it is not as demanding.

4.What are you looking forward to experiencing or achieving at the European Universities Games 2024?

The European universities games are completely different from the competition we face at the national level. We encounter high-level teams with physical capabilities well above average. We know it will be quite challenging to achieve first place, but the truth is, I believe all athletes enter a competition with the mentality to win. If first place is out of reach, we aim to secure the best position possible and, above all, make the most of the experience that the European university championship offers.

This style of basketball is quite different from what we play with our clubs, and it's an excellent opportunity to have fun and make the most of what this sport has to offer, including forming friendships. On the other hand, we must not forget that this is a university competition, and in my opinion, we should also embrace the spirit of university sports.

5.How do you think competing in sports events like EUG 2024 can help your development as an athlete?

As I mentioned, this competition presents challenges that we might not face in our national championship, both technically and physically.

Being in a competition with teams from other countries exposes us directly to how basketball is played in different regions of Europe, and we must adapt to that. This is very motivating and exciting, as it pushes us to make the most of our game both individually and as a team, which helps us develop our skills.

Additionally, I find it very interesting that in Portugal, each player typically plays only for their club during the season. Therefore, we have to learn to play as a team with each other's playing styles, something we are not used to. I believe this will help us grow and improve.

6.Why would you recommend participation in the Games to other student athletes?

I would highly recommend participating in this event because it offers so much more than just basketball. You get to meet people from many different cultures and make new friends. It truly is an unforgettable experience, shared with friends and full of unique moments that you wouldn't experience in any other context. The EUG organization provides and promotes activities and social events among athletes from different countries and sports, such as parties and exclusive venues for the event participants, which are fantastic for fun during the week we spend there. I also love and recommend this event because it features various sports in one place, allowing us to follow and discover new sports.

7. What are you most excited for when it comes to your participation in the European Universities Games 2024?

I am very excited about the atmosphere surrounding these European university games. I feel that each championship is unique and leaves its mark in a different way. We also have many new girls on our team, and I can't wait for them to experience and make the most of this event.

8. What would be your final message to other student athletes like you?

Make the most of not only the sports aspect but also the social interactions, as these are the moments you will remember later. Don’t leave anything undone, especially because you’re tired – rest when you get home! I hope you enjoy the EUG as much as I did, and I am sure I will enjoy it again.