Maribor 2013 Universiade Meeting

Maribor 2013 Universiade Meeting

On Wednesday, March 17, 2010 the members of the Organising Committee of the 26th Winter Universiade Maribor 2013 met in Ljubljana, Slovenia. At the meeting, the members confirmed the new structure of the Organising committee, presided by Mr Tone Vogrinec, Slovenian legend in Alpine skiing.
Mr Franc Kangler, the Mayor of Maribor, who presided the Organising Committee of the Maribor Universiade until now, handed over the chairing function to Mr Vogrinec. He expressed satisfaction that the leadership will be in the hands of professionals. On behalf of the Slovenian University Sports Association (SUSA) and the previous Organising Committee members, prof. dr. Otmar Kugovnik thanked Mr Kangler, and awarded him a plaque as a sign of appreciation for his work on the project.


Mr Franc Kangler receives recognition; on the right: Srecko Viler


Mr Tone Vogrinec, the new President of the Organising Committee then addressed the members, thanking them for the entrusted confidence, and emphasised the importance of the Universiade as Slovenian development project. He stated that the task of organising such a big and important event is and will not be easy, but he is devoted to it. He also invited the other members of the committee to join him in organising the Universiade as event of excellence.


Present were also the President of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia, Mr Janez Kocijancic, the Slovenian Minister of Education and Sport dr. dr. Igor Luksic, the Mayor of Ruse Mr Vili Rezman, the mayor of Zrece Mr Boris Podvrsnik, the Deputy-Mayor of Maribor Mr Andrej Verlic, Vice-Rector of the University of Maribor dr. Mejra Festic, the President of University Sports Association of Maribor Mr Marjan Pucnik, the Director of Student Organisation of the University of Maribor Mr Drago Zura, the President of the Ice Hockey Federation of Slovenia Mr Ernest Aljancic, the President of Ice Skating Union of Slovenia Mrs Darja Gabrovsek Polajnar,  the Vice President of the Slovenian University Sports Association Mr Matjaz Pecovnik and newly-elected director of the company Univerziada 2013 Mr Srecko Vilar. Prof. dr. Kugovnik, SUSA president and EUSA EC member, was nominated as the first Vice-President of the Organising Committee.


 prof. dr. Kugovnik - Interview


The members of the committee got acquainted with the progress reports of the partners and discussed the current and future plans for the preparation of the largest winter sporting event to be organised in Slovenia so far. Part of their material were also FISU and EUSA publications. Guidelines and actions were defined, and the members committed themselves to intensive work on the Winter Universiade Maribor 2013.


Materials for the meeting, including EUSA Magazine

More information about the Universiade is available at

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