Madeira ready for EUSA General Assembly

Madeira ready for EUSA General Assembly

City of Funchal and the Island of Madeira will be the location of the Conference and General Assembly of the European University Sports Association (EUSA), hosted by the Academic University Sports Federation of Portugal (FADU).


FADU and EUSA have prepared all the necessary arrangements for the annual meeting of the national university sports association, EUSA members, invited speakers and other guests, and are looking forward to the arrivals of the participants and the upcoming events.

EUSA and FADU Office


Within the preparatory activities, the Technical Commission Executives Meeting was held on Thursday, March 14. Mrs Ivana Ertlova, Executive Committee Member and Chair of the Technical Commission met with Mr Piotr Marszal and Mr Marko Zunic, Vice-Chairs of the Technical Commission, together with Mr Patrik Perosa, EUSA Sports Manager. Among others, they discussed the received bids for Badminton, Bridge and Rugby 7’s; discussed the EUSA sports regulations and future activities.

EUSA Technical Commission Executives Meeting


EUSA President Mr Roczek met with the Secretary General Mr Pecovnik and representatives of FADU to discuss the final details and prepare everything for the upcoming days and its activities; namely the EUSA Executive Committee Meeting, Conference, General Assembly and EUSA Gala.

EUSA President and Secretary General in a working meeting

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