LSSA celebrates 20th anniversary

LSSA celebrates 20th anniversary

On December 15 the 20th anniversary of Lithuanian Students Sports Association was celebrated at the City Hall in Kaunas. Besides the best Lithuanian students-sportsmen of the year 2010 were honoured.

The President of Lithuanian Students Sports Association and EUSA Executive Committee member Mr Česlovas Garbaliauskas made the congratulatory speech and expressed his joy about the works done in 20 years and achievements of the students.


Director of Department of Physical Education and Sport Klemensas Rimšelis awarded LSSA

Thanks to many dedicated students-sportsmen who have won awards in the international university events, such as universiades, have been glorifying the name of the country in the world holding its flag in the hand.
The twentieth anniversary was a good opportunity for the Lithuanian Students Sports Association to grant the commemorative medals to the coaches cherishing the students’ sport, heads of sport centers and departments at the universities, and representatives of the leagues. A book dedicated for this occasion – “Walking through the time” – was also presented.


Mayor of Kaunas presenting an award to LSSA President

The mayor of Kaunas city Mr Andrius Kupčinskas congratulated LSSA on this wonderful occasion, as well as the director of Department of Physical Education and Sport Mr Klemensas Rimšelis, President of Lithuanian National Olympic Committee Mr Artūras Poviliūnas, president of Lithuanian Conference of University Rectors Mr Romualdas Ginevičius, and other honourable guests. The host of the event Egidijus Stancikas also read aloud the greeting of the Speaker of Lithuanian Parliament Mrs Irena Degutienė.


Best student team - Klaipeda university sport dance collective Zuvedra

The top ten of the best Lithuanian students-sportsmen was dominated by the representatives of Vilnius Pedagogical University, and the highest place among them was occupied by Simona Krupeckaitė, who also became the best Lithuanian student-sportswoman in the year 2010. The male basketball team of Vytautas Magnus University was elected as the best team of the universities, as it has won the European Universities Basketball Championships for four times, accompanied by the team of sport dances “Žuvėdra” of Klaipeda University that has won European and World championships for many times. The best sportsmen from the universities were also awarded.

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