Lithuania: Cooperation LSSA and LAPE

Lithuania: Cooperation LSSA and LAPE

Lithuania has been celebrating for two decades the European SELL students Games, which have been held in this country for three times. Lithuanian Students’ Sports Association (LSSA), together with the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and students sport associations from five Continents are planning to organize an intercontinental conference FISU intercontinental activities in the future in May 2011 in Lithuania, when SELL Games will be held in Kaunas.


from the left: Professor of Catholic University of Leuven Mr. Herman Van Coppenolle, the President of International Olympic Committee Mr. Jacque Rogge, the President of Lithuanian National Olympic Committee Mr. Arturas Poviliunas, Chairman of Senate of Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education Mr. Aleksas Stanislovaitis


Besides LSSA, one of the main organizers and supporters of SELL games in Lithuania is the Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education (LAPE). LAPE is a unique university sports institution, which is known world-wide because of the famous trained sportsmen and scholars, as well as researchers. The names of Doctor Honoris Causa were conferred to such prominent persons as the President of the International Olympic Committee Jacques Rogge, FISU President George E. Killian, EUSA President Alberto Gualtieri, and many others.


from the left: the President of Lithuanian student’s sports association (LSSA) Mr. Ceslovas Garbaliauskas, the President of International university sports federation (FISU) Mr. George Killian, the President of European university sports association (EUSA) Mr. Alberto Gualtieri, Member of FISU EC Mr. Marian Dymalski


Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, which was founded in 1934, is an open, dynamic and constantly developing institution. LAPE community admits the integration into the European higher education area as a key factor that assures the quality of education and research, the competitiveness of trained specialists in the European labor market and the creativity of the academic community. LAPE seeks to develop the links of co-operation with the European and non-European universities, aiming to share scientific knowledge and cultural values, gain the experience accumulated by other universities and discover its unique place in the European higher education area (see their List of courses and Studies for details). Within the history of 75 years LAPE is open to everyone who strives to be competent in gaining knowledge and practical skills in sports education.


LKKA/LAPE academy headquarters


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