Legacy of sports events round table at EUG2024

Legacy of sports events round table at EUG2024

As part of the educational events accompanying the European Universities Games Debrecen-Miskolc 2024, a round table debate was organised on Monday, July 22, focusing on the legacy of sports events.

The event was held in two parts. The first discussion was held in a smaller group with key stakeholders delegates, discussing the roles of the institutions and organisations in university and other sports events. Participants of the debate were Vice Rector of the University of Miskolc prof. dr. Peter Szucs, Head of International Sport Relations at the Hungarian Sports State Secretariat dr. Roland Liszkai, President of the European University Sports Association Adam Roczek, Executive Committee member of the Hungarian University Sports Federation Zoltan Rakaczki, EUG2024 LOC Project coordinator in Miskolc Reka Molnar and EUG2024 Head of Side Events in Miskolc Mirjam Sipos.

Stakeholders delegates

The second part also engaged other participants and representatives. Mr Suczs and Ms Sipos were joined by representatives of the national university sports associations from Poland and Portugal: Marianna Pikul, representing the University Sports Association of Poland (AZS) and Marco Oliveira, representing the Portugal University Sports Federation (FADU).

Round table debate

Ms Pikul and Mr Oliveira reflected on the organisation of the past editions of the European Universities Games; the 2022 edition which was hosted in Lodz, Poland; and the 2018 edition which was hosted in Coimbra, Portugal. Both were also actively involved in the organisation of the evens from logistic and coordination part themselves, and were happy to share their experiences and legacy aspects of their events. These spanned from the renovation of the facilities, development of human resources in sport management and organisation, including volunteering, promotion of countries, regions and cities.


Mr Szucs also shared the experience of the country hosting other sports events, including the World Athletics Championships (Budapest 2023), Hungarian Grand Prix events (annually), and also other European and World events, including the European Universities Games. He specifically highlighted the good practice implemented at some events which have been one of the legacies of the events. These span beyond the competitions themselves, but introduced better sport engagement of the local communities, and also connecting them to the events.

Also the legacy aspects of the 2024 European Universities Games were discussed. Apart of the infrastructure improvements in sports and accommodation facilities, the hosting universities gained valuable international experience, unifying the teams, empowering the university sports clubs, and among others also introducing the Fun Zone, combining the social, cultural and educational events and activities throughout the event.


Participants were also able to ask questions and share their opinions and views on the topic. The round table was organised as part of the Enhancing Sport Organisations and Management (ESOM) project, co-funded by the European Union, and was linked to the previous activities also taking place in Miskolc adnd Debrecen in the past weeks, including the EUSA Forum, site visits of the rectors, and meeting with the representatives of the national university sport associations present at the Games.

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