Last chance to enter the competition

Last chance to enter the competition

October 15 is the deadline to submit the photos, taken at the European University Championships 2010. The winner of the EUSA Photo Competition 2010 will be invited to the EUSA General Assembly in March 2011 in Eilat, Israel.


Share your own perspectives of this year’s EUSA Championships and sporting events. Today we are particularly concerned with creating positive results through youth sport experiences. Youth sports play an important role in the development of a new and more talented generation.

The spirit of cheerfulness, enthusiasm, leadership and social responsibility are key themes.


EUSA Photo Competition 2009 winning photo

We invite you to send us your top photos, depicting sport at its best:
•         The fun of competition
•         Health advantages of sports
•         Greater sense of moral values
•         New friendships
•         Amazing experiences

Each participant may submit up to three photos. The shots should be sent to by October 15, 2010.

We will not accept any images depicting drugs, alcohol, sexually suggestive content or violence. Participants agree to waive the copyrights for the photos submitted and that the photos are not edited. We kindly ask to send only the best resolution files you can provide (not greater than 6Mb per one photo).

All students, athletes, or persons associated with EUSA Championships may take part in the Photo Competition.


European Universities Championships calendar

The winner will be awarded with participation in the EUSA General Assembly 2011 in Eilat, Israel.

We are looking forward to receive your photographic masterpieces.

For more information, please see

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