Invitation to the 2015 Sveti Duje rowing regatta

Invitation to the 2015 Sveti Duje rowing regatta

The Croatian Academic Sports Federation (CASF) and the local organising committee in Split are inviting university eights team to the International rowing regatta in Sveti Duje / Split which will be held on May 9 and 10, 2015.

Being a seafaring nation, Croats have always had skill and interest in water sports, including rowing. National rowing, conditioned by requirements of everyday life, was a form of entertainment for various festivities, as well as a demonstration of strength and skill in ordinary boat races that can be seen today in the Croatian coastal towns.

Spectators in Split follow the regatta

A letter from 1825 documents a rowing regatta taking place on St Domnius Day, patron saint of Split, on May 7. That regatta was then recorded in the chronicles of Split Gimnasium and several songs were written about it. Based on this tradition, the regatta has been revived and in 2015, the 14th edition will take place.

The number of participants from the Croatian and foreign universities at the International Rowing Regatta "Sv. Duje" (St. Duje) is increasing every year. The increase culminated in the past four years due to the participation of the best known names in the rowing, the crews with the greatest tradition in sport - Oxford and Cambridge.

University eights

The regatta will feature race of the university eights from Croatia and abroad and the legends' race between the legends of Oxford, Cambridge and Split.

For more information, please see

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