Invitation to FISU Rectors’ Forum

Invitation to FISU Rectors’ Forum

The International University Sports Federation - FISU, in cooperation with the Swedish University Sports Federation, celebrating 100 years in 2013, Umea University, the City of Umea, and Vasterbotten Sport Federation, is organising the 4th FISU Rectors’ Forum. The next edition of this event will take place from 11 to 14 June, 2013 in Umea, Sweden.


The main aim of the FISU Rectors’ Forum is to give University Rectors, Presidents and Vice-Chancellors from the five continents the opportunity to speak about sport and to highlight the importance of sport in the academic world and society as a whole.

City of Umea from the river


The general topic will be “University and community growth through university sport” and the attention will be focused on University Sports in the frame of the five following sub-topics:

- Collaborative partnerships;

- The business of sport;

- University sport tourism;

- Innovation and growth;

- Dual careers – combining academic studies with elite sport.


FISU believes that the cooperation of its Member Associations in inviting Rectors, Presidents and Vice-Chancellors to take part as speaker, for debate or as participants will be of great value for the National University Sport Federations and for FISU, as well as for its associated continental members.

Forum's Website


Please visit the official website of this academic event at for more information.

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