Invitation EUC Tennis 2010

Invitation EUC Tennis 2010

On behalf of the European University Sports Association (EUSA), the Portuguese Academic Federation of University Sport (FADU) and the Organising Committee, we have the pleasure of inviting university teams of your country to participate in the 7th European Universities Tennis Championship, which will be organised in Coimbra, Portugal between July 25 and 31, 2010.

The deadline for applications has been determined as April 25, 2010.

All relevant information is published on EUSA website and on the official website of the event

Important Deadlines:
General Entry: 25.04.2010
Quantitative Entry: 25.05.2010
Individual Entry: 11.07.2010

City info
Coimbra served as the capital of Portugal during the First Dynasty (12th Century) and remains home to the University of Coimbra, the oldest academic institution in the Portuguese-speaking world and one of the oldest in Europe. Because of this, the city has been called A cidade dos estudantes (The city of the students). Beside the University of Coimbra, there are also some other schools and institutes of higher education in the city. Coimbra is very influenced by its student population and activities. There is always a lot going on in the student community, with two major student festivals held every year: Festa das Latas and Queima das Fitas. The people of Coimbra are also very proud of its sports organisations, especially on student level.



Contact information
Phone: +351239410400
Fax: +351239410439


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