Invitation EUC Table Tennis 2010

Invitation EUC Table Tennis 2010

On behalf of the European University Sports Association (EUSA), the Russian Students Sport Union (RSSU) and the Organising Committee we have the pleasure of inviting university teams of your country to participate in the 4th European Universities Table Tennis Championship which will be organised in Kazan, Russia between June 22 and 26, 2010.


The deadline for applications has been determined as March 22, 2010.

All relevant information is published on EUSA website and on the official website of the event

Important Deadlines:
General Entry: 22.03.2010
Quantitative Entry: 22.04.2010
Individual Entry: 08.06.2010


City info
Kazan is the capital city of the Republic of Tatarstan in Russia and is considered the Third Capital of Russia. The city has a rich history, as it was founded in the beginning of the 11th century. A unique combination of historic city and modern megalopolis attracts tourists to Kazan. One of the main attractions is the citadel (Kazan Kremlin), a World Heritage Site. There are 55 institutes of higher education in Kazan, including branches of universities from other cities. Kazan offers a wide variety of activities for the students population, with a major focus on sports activities and events - on regional, national, European and International levels.


Kazan - Kremlin


Contact information
Phone: +78432773661
Fax: +78432774085
Executive Directorate Universiade 2013 Kazan
Peterburgskaya str. 86
RU-420107 Kazan, Russian Federation



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