Invitation EUC Rugby 7s 2010

Invitation EUC Rugby 7s 2010

On behalf of the European University Sports Association (EUSA), the Spanish Committee of University Sport (CEDU) and the Organising Committee, we have the pleasure of inviting university teams of your country to participate in the 4th European Universities Rugby 7s Championship, which will be organised in Cordoba, Spain between July 14 and 17, 2010.

The deadline for applications has been determined as April 14, 2010.

All relevant information is published on EUSA website and on the official website of the event
Important Deadlines:
General Entry: 14.04.2010
Quantitative Entry: 14.05.2010
Individual Entry: 30.06.2010

City info
Córdoba (also known as Cordova), strategically located as a point of contact between Europe and Africa, was founded in ancient Roman times. Located in the Guadalquivir River Valley, the city is bordered to the north by the Sierra Morena mountain range and to the south by the Campiña, one of the most traditional farming areas of Andalusia. Today a moderately-sized modern city, the old town still contains many impressive architectural reminders from its past. With one of the most extensive historical heritages in the world (declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO), the city also features a number of modern areas, including the districts of Zoco and the railway station district, Plan RENFE. Cordoba was the birthplace of famous philosophers and religious scholars, starting with Seneca in the Roman times.


Cordoba - Roman bridge

Contact information
Phone: +34696667839
Fax: +34914772437


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