Invitation EUC Badminton 2010

Invitation EUC Badminton 2010

On behalf of the European University Sports Association (EUSA), the French University Sport Federation (FF Sport U) and the Organising Committee we have the pleasure of inviting university teams of your country to participate in the 7th European Universities Badminton Championship which will be organised in Nancy, France between June 15 and 20, 2010.


The deadline for applications has been determined as March 15, 2010.

All relevant information is published on EUSA website and on the official website of the event


Important Deadlines:
General Entry: 15.03.2010
Quantitative Entry: 15.04.2010
Individual Entry: 01.06.2010


City info
Nancy is famous for the quality of its magnificent period buildings (Place Stanislas, Place de la Carrière and Place d’Alliance), part of UNESCO World Heritage. Nancy also has a number of superb museums, and monuments built over the centuries, from the Middle Ages to the 20thC, including many fine examples of Art Nouveau. The city has a thriving artistic and cultural life with a national reputation and has three universities with 45,000 students. It is also a particularly verdant city that has made a major effort to maintain its attractive environment in the midst of the many changes taking place.


Nancy - Place Stanislas



Contact information
Phone: +33354505409
Fax: +33354505463
Comité Régional du Sport Universitaire – Académie Nancy-Metz,
34 Cours Leopoold,
FR-54000 Nancy, France




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