International Sport Forum in Russia

International Sport Forum in Russia

At the International Sport Forum Russia-Country of Sports, held in Moscow, Russia between July 29 and August 1, 2010 among many sports, cultural and educational activities an important part on the event is also the university sport.

As a part of the Forum, the roundtable on Problems and Perspectives of International Cooperation in the University Sport was held in the Olympic Centre Luzhniki. Present of the roundtable were also Mr Alberto Gualtieri, EUSA President, Mr Oleg Matytsin, EUSA Vice President and President of RSSU and Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, EUSA Secretary General.


Round table on University sports participants

Also the representatives of FISU, Mr George E. Killian, President,  Mr Stefan Bergh, Vice President and Mr Eric Saintrond, Secretary General  together with the Presidents of National University Sports Associations of Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Estonia and Kazakhstan participated in the event.

The participants were welcomed by Mr Juri Nagornyh, Deputy Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of Russian Federation and Mr Alexander Samokatov from the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Russian Federation.


Mr Alberto Gualtieri

In his speech Mr Gualtieri presented the role of EUSA in the development of University Sports Movement in Europe, the EUSA Structure and Activities and the role of Continental University Sports Associations. At the end of his presentation the EUSA President thanked the Russian Students Sports Union for its active role in EUSA.


Mr Stefan Bergh
Among other main speakers on the event were also Mr Bariev, Executive Director of the Russian Olympic Committee, who presented the project of the Universiade Kazan 2013, Mr Bergh, FISU Vice President, who presented the role of FISU in the modern Olympic movement and Mr Matytsin, RSSU President who spoke on the modern trends of University Sport Development.


Signing of the Letter of intention


The roundtable concluded with NUSA representatives from Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan signing the letter of intention to create a regional EurAsian university sports federation. The event was followed by the plenary session held in the Palace of Sports of the Luzhniki Olympic Complex with participation of members of the IOC, World Anti-Doping Agency and heads of international sports organizations. One of the main speakers was also Mr Killian, FISU President.


FISU, EUSA, ROC representatives and the Russian Minister for Sports


After the event a reception offered by Mr Alexander Dmitrievich Zhukov, the President of the Russian Olympic Committee and Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation was held. Among many distinguished guests the representatives of FISU and EUSA met also the Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy Mr Vitaly Mutko.



The Organising Committee also organised a spectacular sporting show dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of 1980 Moscow Olympic Games in the presence of more than 30.000 spectators.

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