International Seminar on the University Sport

International Seminar on the University Sport
European University Sports Association (EUSA) in cooperation with the University of Ljubljana and the Slovenian University Sports Association (SUSA) organized the International Seminar on the University Sport, which took place from July 20-22, 2007 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The seminar was organized under the patronage of FISU.

The theme of the Seminar was: The new FISU - The role of Europe and Continental University Sports Federations.

The participants of the Seminar were the presidents and the representatives of the National University Sports Associations from Europe, members of the EUSA Executive Committee, President and Secretary General of FISU, the representatives of the Continental University Sports Federations and the candidates for the position of the FISU President in the next 4-year term. 45 participants from 26 countries took part on the Seminar, which is considered a very important meeting before the next FISU General Assembly.

The Seminar took place at the Senate Room of the University of Ljubljana. Before the Opening Ceremony, the Rector of the University of Ljubljana, Mrs. Andreja Kocijancic received the FISU President G.E. Killian, EUSA President Alberto Gualtieri, SUSA President Otmar Kugovnik and EUSA Secretary General Matjaz Pecovnik. The Mayor of Ljubljana Mr. Zoran Jankovic and Vice-President of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia Mr. Bogdan Gabrovec also attended the Opening session to welcome the participants.

Reception with the Rector of the University of Ljubljana 

This seminar was the opportunity for deeper exchange of point of views on the future of the international university sport, and it proved to be very useful.

Special thanks for the Slovenian University Sports Association and its partners for the successful organisation.

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