International Conference in Lithuania

International Conference in Lithuania

On May 12, 2011 the Lithuanian University Sports Federation organized an International Conference with the topic of “FISU Intercontinental activities in the future” in the context of the 27th SELL Games that took place in the Kaunas from May 13-15, 2011.

Mr. George E. Killian, FISU President attended the Conference together with many members of the FISU Executive Committee and the FISU Family.



The representatives of the EUSA and other continental federations were also invited to take an active part in this Conference. Mr Alberto Gualtieri, Mr Julio Jakob and Mr Malumbete Ralethe, the Presidents of EUSA, ODUPA and FASU, presented to the participants the activities of the continental associations from Europe, America and Asia.


EUSA president Mr Alberto Gualtieri

Among other presentations, the 1st European Universities Games 2012 were presented by Mr Rifaat Chabouk, Mr Sinisa Jasnic presented the FISU Marketing, Mr Stefan Bergh spoke on the development of the university sport, Mr Arie Rosenzwieg presented the Friendship Games and Mr Ceslovas Garbaliauskas the perspectives of the SELL games.

The Conference, moderated by Mr Stefan Bergh and Mr Leonz Eder, was also the opportunity to exchange ideas on ranking procedures for university sport, presented by Mrs Kristina Justinaviciene.


Part of the EUSA Family representatives: Mr Jasnic, Mr Pecovnik, Mr Eder and Mr Fruhauf

A day after, the representatives of FISU, EUSA and other continental and national university sports associations were received by the Minister of Education and Science of Lithuania Mr Gintaras Steponavicius. Mr Gualtieri took the occasion and thanked the minister for the support to the university sports movement in Lithuania and worldwide and presented him the EUSA Plaquette.


EUSA President Mr Gualtieri presenting a souvenir plaque to Mr Steponavicius

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