International Conference in Croatia

International Conference in Croatia

On November 30, 2012 the Croatian Academic Sports Federation (CASF) organised the 2nd International Conference on University Sports. The event was held at the University of Zagreb, in the capital city of Croatia.


The conference was attended by the representatives of the Croatian Academic Sports Federation, University of Zagreb, University of Rijeka, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, as well as many international guests from European University Sports World, including Mr Olaf Tabor, EUSA Treasurer, Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, Secretary General, Mr Fernando Parente and Mr Haris Pavletic, Board Members and Mr Zoltan Rakaczki, Auditor.

CASF President Mr Zrinko Custonja


The participants were first welcomed by Mr Zrinko Custonja, CASF President, followed by the welcome speeches given by prof. dr. Aleksa Bjelis, the University of Zagreb Rector, dr. Damir Zec - University of Rijeka Vice-Rector, Mr Petar Skansi - Assistant Minister of Science, Education and Sports and Mr Branko Tusek - Spokesman of the President of the Republic of Croatia.

Rector of the University of Zagreb prof. dr. Aleksa Bjelis


EUSA was represented by its Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik, who presented the activities and structure of the organisation. Mr Pecovnik especially thanked CASF for their active role, both in terms of participation and organisation of EUSA Events. Croatia organised five European universities championships and one symposium since 2007, and will also host two championships next year.

EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik


The keynote speaker was Mr Olaf Tabor, EUSA Treasurer and former ADH Secetary General, with the topic University Sport - Element of development. After Mr Tabor's presentation, Mr Custonja spoke on the organisation of university sports in Croatia and among others announced the candidature of Croatia to organise the 2016 European Universities Games.

Mr Olaf Tabor


The next presentations were given by Mr Rifaat Chabouk, EUG2012 Operational Manager and Ms Hester de Vries, EUG2014 International Officer, who presented the details on the organisation of the European Universities Games in Cordoba and Rotterdam.

Ms Hester De Vries presenting 2nd European Universities Games Rotterdam 2014


In the afternoon, the representatives of the National University Sports Association from Serbia, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Hungary and the Netherlands presented the organisation of university sports in their countries. The final presentation was given by Mr Haris Pavletic, CASF Vice-President, who spoke on the International initiatives in the region.

Mr Haris Pavletic


In the debate that followed the presentations, the participants tried to find answers to questions and dilemmas of the university sport.

EUSA Family


During the conference, CASF also awarded the best university teams and individuals for the previous academic year.


More photos from the event can be found in our Facebook Album.

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