Inspection visit EUC Basketball

Inspection visit EUC Basketball

Three months before the start of the European Universities Basketball Championship in Croatia, the Organising Committee is busy with the preparations. In order to assure best conditions for the participants, Mr Peter George, EUSA technical delegate for Basketball, came to Split to check accommodations, sports venues, transport connections and generally process of the organization.

Meeting with the OC


The Organizing Committee guided Mr George through the halls of the competition in the sports center 'Gripe' and halls of elementary schools 'Ravne njive,' with 'Trstenik' and 'Gripe' as possible halls for the training. Furthermore, they visited the accommodation for players, dormitory 'Hostel', and a new dormitory on the student campus, which should be completed by July.

Basketball match


With this most important part for the players, Mr George was very pleased. As he visited the city as a referee in the past several times, he is familiar with sports infrastructure and mentality of Split. With the organizing committee he attended the national basketball first league match between Split and Zadar. 

Discussions with the City Council representative


In the City Council, he was hosted by Mario Negotic, Head of Sport office, who noted that the European Championship is of great importance for the city of Split. It is also important that city will host, in the middle of the summer season such a large number of young people from all over Europe.

Meeting the Vice Rector of the University of Split


Inevitable was the visit to University vice-chancellor's office, where he was received on behalf of the University Vice Rector Mrs Branka Ramljak. Mr George congratulated her on the lovely University, new campus and the efforts that the University invests in sport activities, because as a small university and a small country we have great successes.

City of Split

According to the outcomes of the inspection visit, Mr George has praised the organised and commented that if they continue with the preparations for the European Universities Basketball Championship in the same pace, that we will have an excellent tournament in Split between July 21 and 28.


For more information about the event, please see

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