Inauguration of the new FISU Headquarters

Inauguration of the new FISU Headquarters
On Saturday May 27th, the new Headquarters of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) was inaugurated by its President George E. Killian, its Secretary-General Roch Campana and the Mayor of Auderghem Didier Gosuin. Due to the continuous growth of staff, the increasing number of member association of the federation and the development of the international events a new office was needed.

After the Avenue General Thijs and the Avenue Franklin Roosevelt both located in Ixelles, a suburb of Brussels, FISU now resides in the �Manor La Solitude' (Château de la Solitude), adjacent to the Forêt de Soignes. �La Solitude' is a manor in French neoclassical style and was built in 1912 by French architect François Malfait commissioned by Duchess Marie-Ludmille de Croy.

FISU New HQ Inauguration

Present at the inauguration were also Alberto Gualtieri, EUSA President together with most of the EUSA Executive Committee Members.

Beside them, a great number of delegates of the FISU member associations as well as numerous authorities of the international sports world participated the inauguration.

FISU President Killian cut the ceremonial ribbon and the 250 guests were invited to visit the new FISU Offices.

After the visit, the party was invited in the garden tent for a buffet. Speeches were given by Roch Campana, FISU Secretary General; Mrs. Giovanna Nebiolo, widow of the late former FISU President Primo Nebiolo and actual President of the Organising Committee of the 2007 Winter Universiade in Torino; Mr. Suwat Liptapanlop, Vice Prime Minister of Thailand and President of the Organising Committee of the 2007 Summer Universiade in Bangkok, FISU President George Killian and the Mayor of Auderghem, Didier Gosuin.

FISU New HQ Inauguration

Today FISU has 141 member associations and the Federation has been supervising the Summer and Winter Universiades as well as the World University Championships since 1949.

As reported already, FISU changed the postal address, while keeping the sam etelephone, fax, and email contacts:

Château de la Solitude
Avenue Charles Schaller 54
BE-1160 Brussels

Tel: +32 2 640 6873
Fax: +32 2 640 1805
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