Important meetings in Romania

Important meetings in Romania

During their stay in Bucharest, the EUSA President Mr Alberto Gualtieri and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik met with Mr Adrian Gagea, University Sports Federation of Romania CESU President on separate meetings with Mrs Doina Melinte, the State Secretary for Youth and Sports and Mr Octavian Morariu, the President of the Romanian Olympic Committee.

The main topics of the meetings were the presentation of the EUSA activities and the development of the university sport in Romania. EUSA representatives presented to the authorities the activities of the association and different models of organisation and financing of the university sports in Europe. They also offered full support of EUSA in further development of the university sports in the country.


EUSA plaque for Mrs Melinte

Mrs Melinte, a famous former Romanian athlete, winning gold and silver medal at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles and many other on World and European Championships, thanked Mr Gualtieri for the support given. “We will cooperate with the national university sports federation to further develop the university sports in the country,” she promised. The activities to promote EUSA events and establish direct contact with universities in Romania were discussed and agreed. At the end of the meeting, EUSA President thanked madam State Secretary for her shown affection to the university sport and presented her the EUSA Plaquette.


Visiting Romanian Olympic Committee President

EUSA representatives also met with Mr Morariu, the President of the Romanian Olympic Committee. He also expressed readiness to support the development of university sports on all the occasions, offering at the same time the logistic support to the Romanian university teams participating on EUSA events. After the fruitful meeting, the participants visited the National Olympic Centre and the sports facilities located on the Snagov Lake.


NOC Centre in Romania


On the occasion of the visit, Mr Gualtieri was given the honour to sign the Book of Honour of the Romanian Olympic Committee.


Mr Gualtiri signing ROC Book of Honour

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