Important meetings in Bulgaria

Important meetings in Bulgaria

During their stay in Sofia, EUSA President Mr Alberto Gualtieri and Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik accompanied by the Prof Peter Bonov, President and Ms Kamelia Atanasova, Secretary General of the Bulgarian University Sports Association met on a separately meetings with Mr Svilen Neykov, the Minister for Physical Education and Sports of Bulgaria and Mrs Stefka Kostadinova, the President of the Bulgarian Olympic Committee.

The main topics of the meetings were financing, organisation and future development of the university sport in Bulgaria. Mr Bonov presented to the authorities the activity plan of the new AUS Akademik Board and the main goals on the national and international level. He also presented the details of the EUC Taekwondo to be held in Sofia in October 2011 and the idea to organise the International Sports Conference on the University Sports in April 2011 in Sofia.


Reception and the meeting at the Ministry

Mr Gualtieri presented the activities of EUSA and different models of organisation and financing of the university sports in Europe. EUSA President expressed a sincere wish that the Ministry, Olympic Committee, NUSA, Bulgarian Universities, Students and EUSA will work closely together in the future for the benefit of university sport.


EUSA President, Minister and AUS President


The Minister, who was in the past very famous Bulgarian rower and coach, and who also became a student world champion in 1989 on the World University Rowing Championship in Germany thanked EUSA for the support given. He assured that the Ministry will cooperate with the NUSA in order to prepare some systematic solutions for future financing the university sports. The Minister also discussed with EUSA representatives the possibilities for organisation of some other international university sports events in Bulgaria in the future. At the end of the meeting Mr Gualtieri thanked Minister Neykov for his shown affection to the university sport and presented him the EUSA Plaquette.


Mr Svilen Neykov, Minister for Physical Education and Sports and Mr Alberto Gualtieri, EUSA President


Also the Bulgarian Olympic Committee President expressed full confidence in the new AUS Akademik Board and her readiness to support the development of university sports on all the occasions. Mrs Kostadinova, who is still the reigning world record holder in the women's high jump with 2.09m which she jumped at the 1987 World Championships in Athletics in Rome and gold Olympic medallist from Atlanta 1996, also showed great interest in the activities of EUSA. At the end of the fruitful meeting Mr Gualtieri thanked the Olympic Committee President and presented her the EUSA Plaquette.


EUSA President and President of the Bulgarian Olympic Committee

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