Important meetings in Albania

Important meetings in Albania

On the Invitation of the Albanian Students Sports Association (ASSA) and the University of Sports of Tirana, EUSA President Mr Alberto Gualtieri and EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik visited Tirana from November 23-24, 2010. The EUSA representatives were welcomed by ASSA President Prof. As. Dr. Fatos Gjata and Rector Prof. Dr. Vejsel Rizvanolli.

The intensive program started with separate meetings with Dr. Myqerem Tafaj, Minister of Education and Science and Mr Dashnor Bajaziti, Vice Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports.

The main topics of the meetings were the organisation of university sport events and future development of university sport in Albania. The Rector presented the project of organisation of the national university sports games - Albanian Universiade. He explained that all rectors already support the idea and that the first edition of this multi-sport event for students and universities is planned to be held in May 2011. EUSA President presented the structure and activities of EUSA and expressed full support of the Executive Committee to the activities and further development of university sport in Albania.

Meeting with the Minister of Education and Science

The Minister of Education and Science thanked EUSA Representatives for visiting Albania and the support given on this occasion. He welcomed the idea of organisation of the games and assured that the Ministry will support the project presented. At the end of the meeting, Mr Gualtieri thanked Mr Tafaj for his shown affection to the university sport and presented him an EUSA Plaquette.

After that, the meeting was held on the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports. The Vice-Minister listened with interest to the projects presented by the representatives of European and National university sports. In his speech Mr Bajaziti expressed full readiness of the ministry to further support the activities on the field of the university sports in the country.

Meeting at the Ministry of tourism, culture, youth and sport

In the evening, the EUSA representatives were invited to the University of Sports of Tirana, where the Rector Prof. Dr. Rizvanolli presented the structure and activities of the university. He mentioned that at the moment in Albania there are 12 public and 48 private universities with more than 130.000 students. The University of Sports of Tirana plays the main role on the field of student sports. The Rector thanked the EUSA President for the visit and presented him a plaquette and a special gift, a football shirt with number 10, that also symbolises ten years of EUSA.

EUSA President and Rector of the University of Tirana

Mr Gualtieri thanked Prof. Dr. Rizvanolli for the invitation and expressed his sincere wish for further collaboration also in the future. The program of the EUSA visit continues with the University Sport Workshop.

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