Holidays with AZS in Poland

Holidays with AZS in Poland

Polish University Sports Association (AZS) prepared two sport events at the beginning of holidays, for students who worked hard at their universities during the past academic year.

For eight years, at the end of June, young people from Poland and Ukraine group together to compete in a Polish-Ukrainian Student Volleyball Festival. Every year the Festival goes to another (Polish or Ukrainian) city. This year students contested in Biala Podlaska, in the east of Poland. Six Polish, four Ukrainian and two Belarus men and women teams came to the city. Belarus teams jointed the Festival after a seven year long break.

Ukrainian teams, who won all previous festivals, were leaders of the games. This year strength showed also Polish players – for the first time in history, Lublin University of Technology won the biggest cup in men’s tournament. Players from Lublin were only one set better than another contender for the cup – National University of Water Management and Nature Recourses Use in Rivne (UKR). Ukrainian university was the strongest team in men’s tournament, but this time students from Lublin presented more ambition and braveness than their opponents. 

Volleyball tournament in Biala Podlaska

Ternopil National Economic University was the leader in the women competition. Ukrainian players won all matches and equitably received a golden cup. The best Polish group was University of Business and Enterprise from Ostrowiec Sw. Girls who play in the first Polish league, lost only two matches with strong Ukrainian teams and finally reached second place. The Festival was appreciated as the best in its eight year long history. All teams announced that they will meet on the festival next year.

At the end of June in Wilkasy on the Mazurian Lakes AZS members from whole country met on the Student Sport Festival. Students and sympathizers of AZS come to Wilkasy every year to compete, not so seriously, in several disciplines. For some of them the event is the only occasion during the year to meet colleagues, friends from the same organization. According to a tradition guests competed in volleyball, basketball, football, as well as in individual disciplines.


This year participants had also one more reason to come to Wilkasy – the Festival celebrated its 25th anniversary. People who joined the event 25 years ago as well as people who were here for the first time were present. It was very interesting to hear stories about previous festivals. Organizers prepared some attractions, like a jazz concert, lottery of AZS souvenirs, evening of the memories. As usually, even if it was a one week festival the time passed very quickly.

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