Help us choose the winning Photo

Help us choose the winning Photo

This year’s EUSA Photo Competition has received several photos, submitted by the participants of the 1st European Universities Games. EUSA Student Commission has shortlisted five final photos, out of which the winner of the EUSA Photo Competition 2012 will be announced.


Now it's your turn; vote to help us select the winner! Out of all the people who will cast their votes, EUSA will draw two lucky winners and send them practical gifts.

EUSA Photo competition 2012

To vote, please visit the EUSA Photo Competition 2012 gallery on our Facebook page. One "Like" counts as one vote.


All votes received by November 1, 2012 (4pm GMT) will be counted and taken into account for the prize draws. Facebook votes will decide the winner. The voting will close immediately at deadline, when the winner will be also announced. The author of the winning photo will be invited to take part in the next EUSA General Assembly, which will take place in Portugal in March 2013 (details to be confirmed).

Portugal - host country of the 2013 EUSA Assembly

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