Have you sent your photos?

Have you sent your photos?

You like sports? You like living the moment? Send us your 5 best photos taken during the EUSA Championships and win your participation to EUSA General Assembly in Turkey next year!


The European University Sports Association (EUSA), in cooperation with its Student Commission (EUSA StC) is since 2009 organizing an annual Photo Competition, where participants and other students are encouraged to take photos and capture the right moment to reveal the true nature of the university spirit. 

Photo Competition


As most of the EUSA sporting events for this year hav efinished already, we would like to remind you that the current EUSA Photo Competition is open to everyone taking pictures at European Universities Championships (EUC) in 2013. Send us up to 5 photos that you have taken during the Championships to stc@eusa.eu. But make sure the photos depict no sort of drugs, alcohol, political propaganda, national symbols, sexually suggestive content or violence. 


The deadline to submit the photos is December 1, 2013.


The selection process will involve votes on the EUSA Facebook page www.facebook.com/eusa.university.sport and the Student Commission will ultimately announce the winner on December 27, 2013 at 2 PM GMT.


By participating, students share their perspective of the Championships and may win a trip to the EUSA General Assembly 2014 in Turkey where the award will be officially handed over to the winner.

Antalya, Turkey - venue of the 2014 EUSA General Assembly


All expenses to attend the award ceremony (travel and full board accommodation) will be covered by EUSA. The winning photo will further be published in the EUSA magazine 2013.


We would also like to reward the voters by raffling two additional gifts among all voters.

For more info, and previous winning photos, please see EUSA Photo Competition page.

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