Handicap university sport in France

Handicap university sport in France

In continuation of the momentum generated by the French University Sport Federation (FFSU) project Handi U and public access to disabled sport, several actions have recently taken place throughout the country. In, Orleans, more than a dozen university teams participated in the Inter-Company Challenge where the CRSU had joined by grafting the Challenge Inter-UFR Handisport. This operation was a resounding success as illustrated by the film devoted to this event. At the same time, in Clermont, the Challenge "United in Sport" organized by three students from the UFR STAPS with the support of CRSU, brought together people with disabilities and able-bodied people in the sport venues of the university. In a friendly atmosphere, four outdoor activities were proposed: archery, blowgun, golf, climbing, and some animations, quizzes, free throws (basketball)...

The all-terrain mono-wheel chair guided by two persons to practice hiking, and a handcycle were also on display. Other initiatives will be launched soon, confirming the increasing investment of FFSU in the field of disability sport.

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