Grand start of EUSA Convention 2014

Grand start of EUSA Convention 2014

The EUSA Convention formally started with a reception at the Rectorate of the University of Ljubljana on Friday, November 14.

The Rector of the University of Ljubljana prof. dr. Ivan Svetlik first met with the President of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) Mr Adam Roczek, in the company of the Honorary President of the Slovenian University Sports Association (SUSA) prof. dr. Otmar Kugovnik.

EUSA President Mr Roczek and Rector of the University of Ljubljana Mr Svetlik

The University of Ljubljana is an important partner of EUSA. University of Ljubljana has been active in the participation of EUSA events ever since the first competitions. Not only were the students from the University of Ljubljana participating at the European Universities Championships, but they were also very successful. The University of Ljubljana was awarded by EUSA as the Best University in Europe between 1999 and 2009 due to the achievements and participation at EUSA sports events in that period.

EUSA Convention participants at the Reception in the University of Ljubljana

The participants of the EUSA convention – organisers of the European Universities Championships 2015, European Universities Games 2014 and 2016, Technical Commission and Medical Commission members, EUSA Office and invited guests, were greeted by the Rector at a special reception.

Rector of the University of Ljubljana prof. dr. Ivan Svetlik

After a short introduction of the University, EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek presented a special EUSA plaquette to Mr Svetlik, stressing that the cooperation between University of Ljubljana and EUSA has also been demonstrated in the hospitality of the University by hosting the offices of EUSA right at the University’s Rectorate in the past.

EUSA gift for the University of Ljubljana

After the general presentations and welcome speeches, the participants were able to view and explore the EUSA exhibition, a traveling exhibition on university sport. The exhibition, supported by the International University Sports Federation, illustrates the history of EUSA and university sport in Europe.

EUSA exhibition on University sport

After a social conclusion at the University, the first day of the EUSA Convention continued with a formal dinner. The participants were addressed by EUSA President Mr Adam Roczek who welcomed them to Ljubljana, thanking them for their involvement, wishing them a fruitful and productive meeting and wishing them a pleasant stay at this EUSA event.

Formal dinner and welcome by the EUSA President

During the dinner, EUSA Secretary General Mr Matjaz Pecovnik first invited the President of the Board of the Organising Committee of the European Universities Games Rotterdam 2014 Mr Daniel Sikkens on stage.

Mr Daniel Sikkens presenting the success of the European Universities Games 2014

Mr Sikkens shared the highlights from the event, stressing the importance of the European Universities Games and the support of the partners and the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme. He thanked EUSA for the cooperation throughout all phases of the event and wished all the best to the organisers of next events.

Mr Nikola Vincetic presenting the European Universities Games 2016

Later, on behalf of the Organising Committee of the European Universities Games Zagreb-Rijeka 2016 Mr Nikola Vincetic presented the concept of the event, their plans and expectations, welcoming everyone to attend the event in Croatia in 2016.

The EUSA Convention and Exhibition are supported by the International University Sports Federation. The Convention will continue on Saturday with the main part of the event.

Supported by FISU

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