GNSK Championship 2006

GNSK Championship 2006
On 19th and 20th May 2006, the National Dutch Students Sport Association (SSN) organised it’s yearly “big” national championships (GNSK). This year the Technical University of Twente hosted the event. Over 1200 participants took part in 11 team sports with about 120 teams. Over-all winner was Groningen. The second place went to Eindhoven, while the hosting University of Twente reached the third place. Winners per sport:
Badminton: Enschede (University of Twente)
Basketball Men: Leiden University
Basketball Women: Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam/Vrije Universiteit)
Fencing: Nijmegen (Radboud University)
Football Men: Eindhoven (Technical University/Fontys Institute)
Football Women: Eindhoven
Floorball: Groningen (Universityof Groningen/Hanze Institute)
Handball Men: Eindhoven
Handball Women: Groningen
Squash: Groningen
Table tennis: Eindhoven
Tennis: Groningen
Volleyball Men: Rotterdam (Erasmus University)
Volleyball Women: Groningen
Waterpolo: Enschede

In 2007, Amsterdam will host the 39th edition of the GNSK.
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