General Assembly USSS

General Assembly USSS

The University Sports Federation of Serbia (USSS) hold its elective assembly on December 24, 2010 in Belgrade.

Apart from other items of the assembly, the new Executive Committee was elected, along with the new President, and also the Supervisory Board for the term 2010-2014.


Mr Nebojsa Jovanovic, USSS New President

The new President of the Executive Committee and the Association is Mr. Nebojsa Jovanovic, representative of the University Sports Federation of Nis. New Vice-Presidents are Mr Uros Dragojlovic from Novi Pazar and Mr Zoran Delic from Novi Sad.


Discussions at the assembly

The new Executive Committee took the opportunity to present awards and express their best hopes and desire to work closely in the future when it comes to the development and promotion of university sport at national and international level, and wished everyone all the best for the holidays and the upcoming New Year.


Awards and best wishes

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