General Assembly of AZS Poland

General Assembly of AZS Poland

The 24th National General Assembly of the Polish University Sports Association (AZS) was held between April 20 and 22 in Wilkasy near Gizycko, in AZS sports and recreation centre.

165 delegates participated in the convention and they represented 17 regional associations, nearly 300 clubs and almost 50 thousand AZS members from all over Poland. Polish state authorities were represented by Mr Jacek Foks, Under-Secretary of State in the Ministry of Sport and Tourism. 
The Assembly summed up the two-year term of office of the authorities, the term which was not short of success in competitive sport (including Justyna Kowalczyk’s medals at the Vancouver Olympic Games and World Championship) and in students sport (among others, own central games system in 41 disciplines). Organizational success, such as events within World and European University Championships and investment success, including completing the construction of the Wilkasy Centre (hotel, rehabilitation centre, yachting port, indoor and outdoor sports venues) must also be mentioned.

Wilkasy center
The Assembly distinguished ten trainers and managers most devoted in their activity with the title of Honorable Member of the AZS and decorated six other with the Bronisław Czech medal for the most outstanding sports achievements. 
Central authorities were elected as well.
Professor Marek Rocki, senator of the Republic of Poland was again chosen to head the 33-member Executive Board, while vice presidents were chosen as follows:
-for competitive sport – Lech Leszczynski (Lodz)
-for students sport – Dariusz Piekut (Warsaw)
-for foreign affairs  - Adam Roczek (Wroclaw)
-for organizational affairs – Tomasz Szponder (Poznan).
Jacek Kasprzyk (Warsaw) was chosen as the treasurer. 

New AZS Executive Board
The Assembly also chose the Audit Committee, headed by Aleksander Pyc (Lodz) and the Arbitration Bench, headed by Janusz Rybicki (Gdansk) as well as defined main tasks for the AZS in the years 2011-2013.
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