General Assembly in Turkey

General Assembly in Turkey
The 3rd General Assembly of Turkish University Sports Federation (TUSF) was held on October 6th, 2012 in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. The General Assembly members consisted of 187 delegates from the 130 universities, and among other items voted for new Executive Committee members.
Mr Kemal Tamer has been re-elected as the president of Turkish University Sports Federation for a new four-year period (2012-2016). After the official results were announced, Mr Tamer thanked the Assembly delegates for having being elected for this position again and congratulated other elected board members.

Mr Kemal Tamer, TUSF President
TUSF was founded in 1996, and during the 16 years period, TUSF hosted many international events most important of them were Summer Universiade Izmir 2005 and Winter Universiade Erzurum 2011 on the global level and European Universities Football Championship Istanbul 2011 and European Universities Beach-Volleyball Championship Antalya 2008 on European level.

New Executive Board of TUSF
TUSF President Mr Tamer has been the president of the Federation since its conception, and has also been a member of the FISU and EUSA Executive Committee Member for the last three periods.
Assembly participants
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