General Assembly in Croatia

General Assembly in Croatia
Croatia University Sports Federation (SUSF) held its General Assembly for 2008. On the meeting, some important decisions were taken:

1. CUSF accepted two new members:

2. All the members of CUSF were invited and encouraged to send more students too all  EUSA and FISU competitions in 2008.

3. In 2009 plan is to organize ENAS conference in Zagreb

4. Mr. Gamulin invited everyone to 7th INTERNATIONAL REGATTA OF EIGHTS  - SVETI DUJE - Split / Croatia  3. - 7. May, 2008.
More info on:

5. Plans for 2008 are:

Program activities:
1.    World Universities Championships
2.    European Universities Championships
3.    Croatian Universities Championships
4.    Croatian University Futsal Championship
5.    Croatian University Basketball Championship
6.    Croatian University Volleyball Championship
7.    FISU FORUM, Krakow, Poland
8.    EUSA General Assembly, Paris, France

Other activities
1.    Bridge Championship organization
2.    Participation in organization of European Sailing Championship
3.    Rowing Championship organization
4.    Web site developing
5.    Establishing cooperation with national sports federations
6.    Acceptance in Croatian Olympic Committee as full member
7.   Integration of University sports championships and student athletes in Olympic  Committees system of  categorization  
9.  Creating University sport development strategy

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