General Assembly and new President in Finland

General Assembly and new President in Finland

The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL), a joint representative of all Finnish higher education students, elected Teemu Myllärinen as President for 2013 at their General Assembly last week. Myllärinen comes from vicinity of Lappeenranta and studies at the University of Eastern Finland. For the last year he has been on the Board of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) as an adviser in socio-political affairs.


The General Assembly of OLL gathered at Vierumäki and Mr Myllärinen was elected as the President of the Finnish Students Sports Federation for 2013, starting his mandate in January 2013. The General Assembly also elected the Federation's Board for the following year.  Two vice presidents and one member of the Board were elected. The elected Vice Presidents are Jyrki Eriksson, Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) and Vesa-Ville Väänänen, Student Union of Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OSAKO). Janne Pakarinen from Unisport was elected a member of the Board.


The General Assembly of the Finnish Student Sports Federation also adopted the action plan for 2013. The action plan emphasizes strong lobbying and points out that we need to recognize the diverse needs of all kinds of students engaged in sports. The action plan also highlights the Federation’s active role in driving the interest of students in the ongoing transitional phase in Finnish sports. The General Assembly also outlined the Federation's policy on the changes in student elite sports. The Federation's premise is to secure the statuses of both student elite sports and individual studying athletes as parts of Finnish elite sports.

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