General Assembly and new Board in Slovenia

General Assembly and new Board in Slovenia

The representatives of the members of Slovenian University Sports Association (SUSA) met at the Annual General Assembly on Wednesday, 29th May 2013. The Assembly was especially interesting as it was an electoral one.


The General Assembly first confirmed the Annual Reports for 2012 and adopted the Annual program and Financial Plan for 2013.

New SUSA President Mr Milan Zvan thanking previous President Mr Otmar Kugovnik


SUSA delegates then elected the new SUSA board members for the mandate 2013 – 2017. The new President of the Slovenian University Sports Association is prof. dr. Milan Žvan, dean of the Faculty for Sports at the University of Ljubljana.



The former President prof. dr. Otmar Kugovnik received the title of the Honorary President of SUSA after his service of three mandates. The first representative of EUSA to express congratulation to the new SUSA President was Mr Adam Roczek, EUSA President, who visited the Assembly.

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